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A Legacy of Living First: The 2023 Annual Report Video

New this year, First International Bank & Trust is pleased to introduce a video version of our 2023 Annual Report, A Legacy of Living First.

This ten-minute video is a new, convenient way to learn about the progress and accomplishments made by our organization in the last year. It includes the following sections:

  • An introductory message from CEO & Chairman Stephen L. Stenehjem, in which he discusses how FIBT was able to weather the challenges faced by the banking industry in 2023, and shares gratitude for our Board of Directors, employees, and customers.
  • A summary of our organization's growth in 2023 by President Peter Stenehjem, including new branches and new record-setting years in several of our markets and divisions.
  • A look at the way FIBT and its employees gave back to our communities with Chief Experience Officer Wendy Wills, including thousands of hours of volunteerism and millions of dollars of community support.
  • Highlights from our various service divisions with Chief Operating & Strategy Officer Michael Toy.
  • A list of awards and honors given to FIBT and our team members.

You can watch the full video here and on YouTube. You can also read the digital print version of the 2023 Annual Report here.

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