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Account Alerts & Notifications

Know what’s happening with your money

Customize what information you want to know about your accounts, and how you want that information delivered. Electronic statements, real-time push notifications, and easy to use online features can give you up-to-the minute information on your transactions, or a holistic look at your financial health.

  • Instantly block or unblock card transactions 24/7
  • Set up alerts to receive real-time notifications of card activity
  • Report cards as lost or stolen

  • eStatements and eNotices

    Know what’s happening with your money

    eStatements and eNotices are quick and easy ways to not only receive your monthly statement, but also account notifications that require action. You will be able to view your statement or notice from your computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week via the Internet.

    • Do your part to go-green: eStatements/notices eliminate waste, and energy spent delivering paper Statements/notices.
    • Get your statement/notice sooner: Don’t wait for mail. With eStatements/notices you receive your statement/notice the same day it cuts.
    • Make record keeping easy: Store and retrieve past statements right on your hard drive.
    • Enjoy increased security: Most identity theft occurs through the mail or improperly discarded paper documents containing sensitive information. eStatements/notices simply protect your information better than mailed paper.
    • Don’t pay a thing: It costs you nothing to switch to eStatements, and to have easy access to every transaction in your account, including check images.

    Just log in to Online Banking and sign up for the service using the enrollment link. Then, we notify you through email when your statement/notice is ready to be viewed.

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    Two-way Text Fraud Alerts

    Validate or flag transactions immediately

    If our system detects suspicious activity on your card, you’ll receive a text message with details about the suspected transaction. Simply reply "YES" or "NO" to validate the transaction. Text "STOP" if you no longer wish to receive text messages, and be notified of these fraud alerts via phone.

    To add or update the mobile number associated with your Credit Card, log in to your online banking. Click on Quick Forms, and fill out the Customer Information Change Request Form.

    or get started today.

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    Know your Credit Score with Credit Sense

    Get a better sense of your financial health

    Credit Sense is a comprehensive program designed to help you stay on top of your credit. You’ll get your credit score, and an understanding of the key factors that impact it. Monitor your credit report on a daily basis to help you keep an eye out for identity theft, accessible through online banking and our mobile app. You’ll be informed by email if any big changes are detected.

    • New account openings: Validate that new account, or report fraudulent activity.
    • Address or employment changes
    • Reported delinquencies: stay on top of your finances, and keep your credit score growing.
    • Credit inquiries: know who’s pulling your credit, and for what reason.

    Sign in to online banking to start monitoring your credit with Credit Sense today.

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    Travel Notifications

    Spend seamlessly, anywhere in the world

    For your protection, we will flag your account and stop processing transactions if we notice out of the ordinary behavior, such as using your card in an unusual location. If you are planning to travel out-of-state, or country let us know, so you can continue using your First International Bank & Trust Debit, ATM or credit cards wherever you need to. Just log-in to Online Banking and fill out the Travel Alert Notification.

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